Thursday, August 7, 2014

Don't recognize this feeling

These long three weeks have been filled with excitement, sadness,  and a lot of growing up in my experience. I was so excited since February when I was first accepted into this program and then also when I went on my first plane ride. I was so excited for the future and what it had planned for me. I was looking foward to everything that I was going to learn and all the new friendships I was going to build. But, Iwas also sad because of everyone I had to leave back home. It was impossible for me to take my parents or whole community with me. I was now a representative of my community and anyone else who believed in me.This showed me how to be independent and responsible.  I learned how to be an adult.

Overall, this has been an amazing journey that I will never forget because it has shaped me o be the person that I am today- -the person I will be tomorrow- -and the great leader if the future.

Waking up for the last time next to Cynthia and Izabel (my hotel roomies) was also sad. I will think of Izabel every time I see a mess on the floor because she wasn't the most organized person in the world. Every time I see a floral shirt I will think of Cynthia because she loved them. It makes ms sadder to think that I will not be attending school with these two because I will be transferring to another school this year. I will miss them but, I chose this school because it will be an important chapter in my life.

Each one of these ladies have taught me something that I will never forget whether it was advice, a new way of thinking, or just how to handle business at times.

Going to the Roger Williams Zoo today was a very good way to end this trip because I a absolutely love animals. I love walking around and spending time with my friends. Personally, my favorite animal is the majestic dolphin.  I was looking foward to seeing one in real life for the first time but, didn't get te chance to. I think that dolphins are very intelligent and super playful. They are very interactive and have the capacity or potential to learn a lot.

The fact that I was ever in Rhode Island is very faint right now. I have never travelled out of the state ans suddenly,  out of nowhere, I end up a the way on the other side of the country.  I think that I am addicted to travelling now and I have the Ivy League Connection Program to thank. There is so much to see, do and experience that there couldn't possibly be enough time.

Coming home to my parents is what is giving me te strength to power through these weeks. They give me like a goal or something special--a reason to come back.  It's nice to know you have people that care about you. I am finally coming home and I've been longing for my family's affection and love.

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