Sunday, August 10, 2014


I never attended the ILC recruitment presentation, my counselor Ms. Munoz called me out of class and  into her office one day and I asked me if I would like to join the ILC, I told her yes and she wrote down my email and that how it all began. After that day I began receives what seemed like a ton of emails, I am very glad my counselor cared so much about my future that she went out of her way to insure I was aware of my opportunities.

I have only been home a couple of days and I have begun to see change within myself. I will never forget the girls I met in the Women and Leadership class nor will I forget the lessons I learned from each one of them. The Women and Leadership course allowed me to have a safe space to learn what it means to be women in the 21st century. The way I viewed women in the media has changed and I can no longer ignore the way women are hypersexualized and stereotyped.

This class really opened my eyes and showed me how women are treated by the norms of society. I learned more about myself in  this class, I  learn what type of leader I was changing my personal awareness which enabled me to make better decision when it comes to working as a team.

I am extremely grateful for all of opportunity’s the ILC provided me with. For the last three week I spent on the other side of the county and meet different people from around the world. I had the opportunity to visit colleges like NYU, Colombia, Wellesley, Dartmouth and Brown. I learned from the information session, I learned that attending one of these colleges could be a real possibility and there is finical aid available to attend these schools.

Being away from my family allowed me the opportunity to get to know myself in a different way and see how I acted in a college environment along with being responsible for myself. Looking back will miss everyone I met on my trip. I can’t believe that I had the opportunity to take a 2 week class at Brown University. I am grateful for class and the college experiences it severed as more motivation to go to college. After this trip I can finally see myself attending a four year college. Now that I am back in my community I can’t wait to share that same motivation.

Before going to Brown, Don warned me that I would be treated like an adult and for that I am thankful it allowed me to accountable for myself. Now I am starting to feel more like an adult and more responsible.  After this course I now know that I can make a change in my community, I have a voice and it’s time it is heard.

Thank you Don, Ms. Munoz, and ILC.

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