Thursday, August 7, 2014

I'm Coming Home, Tell the World that I'm Coming Home

Our last day at Providence…What a journey. I can’t believe that I, we, spent two weeks and five days in the East Coast. I’m excited to go home, yet I feel semi-emotional. I didn’t want to leave my second home, Brown University. This morning, I was able to go to Thayer for one last time with Maria. We woke up around 8 o’clock and began our walk at 8:30 AM. It was a bit tiring, but we made it to the bookstore. Beforehand, we ate at Au Bon Pain, which served toasted coconut iced/hot lattes. They were so good, and I was able to enjoy a plain croissant with it. Maria had a bagel. We spent 10 minutes eating, and off we went. We spent the majority of our time at the bookstore for some last minute Brown souvenirs. I love Brown, and I will miss it. I won’t tell you how much we spent at the bookstore….Anyways. We both went back to Hotel Providence around 10:25, and arrived around 10:45. Since we took a different route than usual, we both found it WAY easier than our old route. Coming back to the hotel was hectic. Both Maria and I were about to be done with our packing. After putting a lot of items in my check-in bag, I was anxious about the weight. At 11 o’clock, the cohort descended to the lobby. Since today was our last day, we all decided to go to the zoo; but we had to get some food.
We went to Gourmet Heaven, and it was cool. They served a variety of dishes and snacks, and now I understand why it’s called “ Gourmet Heaven.” After getting food, it was off to the zoo.

All ten of us took two vans to Roger Williams Zoo. I was in a different van than the majority, with Magaly and Muang. Our driver, Michael was a nice man who had a wonderful conversation with all of us. It was fun being in the Dodge van, and in a few minutes we all made it to the zoo.

The zoo was probably the best zoo I have ever been through, keep in mind that I have only visited the Oakland Zoo. There were a lot of animals like, anteaters, bald eagles, red crown cranes, harper seals, red pandas, moon bears, and many more. I believe that Magaly, Yeonsoo, Muang, Maria, Cynthia, Izabel, and I spent a majority of our time looking at the elephants. They came into a little tunnel where families were able to see them up close. It was interesting at first, but afterwards, they just ate food. So we all left after 20 minutes of watching it, and went outside. We then began to look at different animals at the zoo. It was interesting, and I’m glad we went. I wished that we were able to see the butterflies, however, the zoo were charging people to see them. That was not fun, but it didn’t matter because I was tired. I was now with Magaly and Izabel, and we all sat on a bench. The funniest things happen at the zoo; for instance, a dad and his daughter were walking near a photo booth and the daughter wanted to see it. The father replied with, “It’s closed,” and she acknowledged it and they both moved on. It was a hilarious moment. I can’t wait to go to the zoo again.

After the zoo, NEMOW went to the airport to go to Chicago. It was a touchy moment, and I’m hoping that I don’t cry later on during the school year, or near the end of Summer. I’m missing everybody..and it’s just sad. Maria made a good point, saying that once she gets home, there will be nothing to do. This experience was the highlight of her summer, and it’s the same with me. I’m hoping to visit Brown again, or at least get accepted, but I don’t know if it’s possible. I do have more confidence after yesterday’s dinner, but I can’t deny the fact that it is a 50/50 chance. I wish the ILC would send us tickets back East for a reunion. It’s just a dream, but can it become a reality? I highly doubt it, but it would be nice. The flight to Chicago barely had any turbulence, which was great. A pretty smooth ride, and I was reading for the majority of the time. We landed, and boarded our next flight twenty minutes later. This flight to SF is emotional, and shaky. There were times when Magaly, on my right, and Yeonsoo, on my left, would grab on to me, and I don’t blame them. It was a pretty scary ride, and I hope it gets better. Haha, that’s semi-true because once the plane stopped showing the “seatbelt sign,” everything was all good. Now, with the sign on, the ride is pretty bumpy.

I can’t wait to meet my parents. I’ve been dying to eat some Vietnamese food in the past few weeks, and I miss my bed. I also miss my friends, but after today, everything is going to get busier and busier. I’m glad that I was chosen for this adventure, and I wish I know the reason why. I’m grateful for everything, and I hope we had more time back East. I really enjoyed my stay, and I’m glad the weather was 10 degrees cooler, in accordance to Michael. The zoo was fun, but I was not able to hollah at every single animal, but I think a majority of them knew I was there. Going back home, means action plans being put into action. I know I’m jumping from topic to topic, but I’M REALLY HAPPY. Thanks so much for this opportunity, and I hope I was a cool person. 
The Crew Is Back!

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