Sunday, July 27, 2014

Follow Your Dreams… Or Something

I spent the morning bonding with my cohort. We started off with lunch at the mall in downtown Providence (even though for a lot of us, myself included, it was more like breakfast). After that, we split up: some went to the movies, some went shopping, etc.  I was in the shopping group, but I’ll spare you the details on that.

Skipping forward a few hours, we all had a mandatory workshop designed to further inspire us to discover our passions in life. It made me realize that maybe I’m not as far behind everyone else as I had originally thought.  For example, one of the speakers tonight (Stanley, a junior at Brown) said that when he first came to college, he had no idea what he was passionate about.  All he knew what that he “ummm… likes Netflix and Nutella.”  Same.  It was just so reassuring to hear that other people (especially those that are older than me) are dealing with the same problems I am. One thing that I heard tonight that I found especially helpful is that you don’t need a singular passion to begin with; rather you should branch out and experience a variety of  new things! You just have to stay patient and go for it! It'll be worth it in the end.
A Gloomy Day in Providence

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